Fast Track Aviation English Test Preparation Course


Ten hours of class focused on preparation for ICAO tests. This course is best for people who already have level 4 or higher and want some practice before renewing their ICAO level.


Fly High English – specialists in test preparation – can help you pass your aviation English test!

The Fast Track Aviation English Test Preparation Course is for students who are returning to do an aviation English test again before their ICAO level expires. The course is 10 classes (10 hours) in length.

If you have maintained some contact with English since your previous test and want to do some quick practice before you do the test, this is the course for you.

This course is ten hours long, it is suited to pilots or people who are interested in this career and covers the following topics;

  • An overview of the different types of questions.
  • Practice with general questions related to aviation, your career and what to listen for with these questions.
  • A quick review of the most important structures necessary for level 4 (if necessary).
  • All of the major vocabulary needed to be successful in the test.
  • Practice with sample aviation-related audios.
  • Instruction on the procedure for describing a picture.
  • Practice with pictures similar to those used in aviation English tests.

Teaching Pedagogy
The teaching pedagogy for this course follows a deductive learning approach due to its short ten-hour length. Rules, procedures and processes for different parts of the exam are explicitly taught and then practiced to maximise the learning in the class time available.

You can contact Fly High English for a free evaluation and more information about which course is best for you.