Here are the answers to last Friday’s video, enjoy!
Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+
- It has paper checklists, a seven-step startup process, a warning light, physical cables to link fight controls to flight surfaces, all of which made it different to other modern aircraft.
- The original plan was to replace the 737 with an all-new aircraft.
- Fuel efficiency was less important for short-haul flight because these planes traditionally spent less time in the air per day than long-haul aircraft.
- Airlines are starting to use narrowbody aircraft for longer and longer flights.
- The American Airlines order for an ‘updated’ 737 convinced Boeing to modify the 737NG instead of building a totally new airplane.
- It would want a less modern, less efficient plane because they’re cheaper to buy and don’t require expensive training sessions to get their pilots type rated.
- Boeing had to move the engine higher and further forward on the wing to be able to fit it with the new, more efficient engine.
- MCAS was necessary because the new engine position and increased height of the landing gear created a tendency for the plane to pitch up more than the previous generation.
- It was likely caused by a malfunctioning MCAS sensor which kept pushing the plane’s nose down.
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