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Video answers: ‘What’s behind the Qatar diplomatic split’

Here are the answers to last Friday’s video, enjoy!

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

  1. As a result of the split, the airspace, sea and land crossings have been shut down to Qatari ships, planes and vehicles.
  2. Qatar’s relationship with Iran has been a part of the reason for the split.
  3. No, they had no idea that this diplomatic problem was coming?
  4. The talks with Kuwait resolved nothing.
  5. They’ve been unhappy with Qatar since 1995.
  6. Qatar supports groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and even rebels in Syria, which other countries in the region don’t support.

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Video: ‘What’s behind the Qatar diplomatic split’

Fly High English - Video

This week’s video reports on the Qatar diplomatic split. What are the reasons for it? Watch the video to find out..

Try to answer the following questions about the video and come back on Monday for the answers.

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

  1. What has been the effect of the cut in diplomatic ties?
  2. Qatar’s relationship with which country has been a part of the reason for the split?
  3. Was there any indication in Qatar that this split was coming?
  4. What did talks with Kuwait resolve?
  5. For how long have the Saudis been unhappy with Qatar?
  6. What groups do Qatar support that other countries in the region don’t?

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Have a great weekend!

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