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Video answers: ‘Aircraft bomb bag’

Have a great weekend!!

Here are the answers to last Friday’s video, enjoy!

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

  1. The purpose is to verify if this bomb bag can withstand the effect of a bomb and prevent damage to a plane.
  2. It did very well. It contained the blast of the bomb and prevented damage to the plane.
  3. A Kevlar-type material and it’s around 1mm thick.
  4. Its flexibility, which allows it to expand to absorb a blast.
  5. He thought that it was one extra cost that airlines might not be able to afford, so probably not.

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Video: ‘Aircraft bomb bag’

Fly High English - Video

Here’s an interesting video that describes a new piece of technology that could protect planes from a serious security threat, watch the video to find out exactly what it is and how it works.

Try to answer the following question about the video and come back on Monday for the answer.

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

  1. What’s the purpose of the tests shown in the video?
  2. How did the bag do in the tests?
  3. What’s the bag made of and how thick is it?
  4. What characteristic of the bag is crucial for its effectiveness?
  5. What did the aviation expert think that the bag would be used on planes in the future?

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